Welcome to ITMNR-9

Welcome to the 9th International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography (ITMNR-9) to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 17-21, 2022.  


This will be the 9th conference in the ITMNR series being coordinated by the International Society for Neutron Radiography (ISNR). The meetings are an international gathering of researchers, students and users who are interested in neutron imaging (radiography and tomography) and its applications.

Each meeting of the ITMNR has a specific topic. The special focus of ITMNR-9 is on "Applications of Neutron Imaging for Science, Industry and Heritage".

The meeting will be a forum for scientists working with neutron imaging techniques to share their experiences and expertise. The aim is that participants will return home with new ideas for their work, by learning about the latest advances on the application of neutron imaging techniques to an ever increase number of problems in science and technology. Topics include:


  • Materials science & engineering: new materials, welds, cracks, stress, texture, etc.
  • Electrochemistry: batteries, fuel cells, etc.
  • Concrete, rocks and porous media: porous media, porosity, permeability
  • Nuclear materials and fuels: fuel, structural materials, moderators, etc.
  • Solid state physics & magnetism: bulk and magnetic materials
  • Hydrogen & processes: hydrogen storage, processes involving fluids
  • Cultural heritage, Art, Conservation & Archaeometry: study and conservation of cultural heritage
  • Botanics, wood science and technology: plants physiology, wood study and conservation
  • Paleontology: fossils and evolution.
  • Instruments: new instruments and gained experience.
  • Methods & analysis: NGI, Bragg edges, neutron microscope
  • Tomography: dual X-ray + neutron, novel software, methodological problems, etc.
  • Software: novel software tools for general purpose or specific applications.



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About us

The ITMNR-9 is hosted by Argentina's Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), which is leading the construction of a novel 30 MW multi-purpose research reactor located near Buenos Aires city, called RA-10. The reactor will host the Argentine Neutron Beam Laboratory (LAHN), where a state-of-the-art neutron imaging instrument for cold neutrons - ASTOR- is being developed.

The social programme of the meeting foresees a visit to the RA-10 site.



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